Homework Policy


Your child will be receiving homework assignments Monday through Thursday. The homework list for the week will be given on Mondays, or the first day of the school week. Homework is a reinforcement of previously learned skills and should not take longer than thirty minutes. If the homework is taking your child longer than thirty minutes please let me know. Further instruction of a skill or concept might be needed for mastery. Homework will almost always consist of a math worksheet, and a Fundations activity, a reading activity, a writing activity, or a combination of the previous subjects. Some of the activities do not require written records and can be done at the dinner table, during a car ride, on line at a grocery store, etc. Preparedness and effort are an essential part of you child’s homework skills. Have you child take his/her time, do the best he/she can and be proud of the homework assignments. 

Important Homework Reminders 

·        Students should write their first and last name on all homework papers.

·        Students should write only in pencil.

·        Students should start writing from top to bottom and left to right.

·        Spacing is important. Students should try to stay between the given lines on the paper as well as use correct spacing within words, between words, and between  sentences.

·        Encourage children to take their time. Students should try to write slowly and neatly the first   time to eliminate erasures.

·        Please sign all homework assignments.